Product Alert: Sentido Keypad – The light switch re-invented.

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High-end hand-made keypads combine sophisticated European design with high-quality materials and innovative technology to deliver highly intuitive control of lights, shades, HVAC, and more. Basalte’s innovative product aims to bring design and technology together. These keypads are used by world-leading companies in the Home Automation industry such as CrestronLutron and KNX

Sentido basalte keypads are divided into four surfaces that each control different functions for the automated home. Their touch-sensitive surfaces have multi-touch functionality for intuitive control, and come in high-grade finishes like bronze and even leather!
The entire surface of the Sentido wall keypad is touch-sensitive, creating an innovative and unique experience. Lights, shades and scenes can be operated at the slightest touch. The unique multitouch function lets you easily dim the room into the right scene.
Sentido - Lighting and temperature control keypad finishes range

4 Button Basalte – Sentido keypad  – Image Credits: Basalte

Sentido - Lighting and temperature control keypad finishes range

2 Button Basalte – Sentido keypad  – Image Credits:

An internal temperature sensor discretely reports the room temperature. The integrated thermostat function does the rest. Sentido’s minimalist look and the use of high grade materials result in a timeless design.

Other features include:

  • Integrated multicolour led, temperature sensor & thermostat logic
  • Available in 2/4-button configuration
  • Compatible with CrestronLutron and KNX
Sentido - Lighting and temperature control keypad finishes range

4 Button Basalte – Sentido keypad  – Image Credits:

If you would like to know more about the products we have on offer please do get in touch and we can schedule a visit to your office/ property where we can bring in samples and brochures, discuss your projects, and even offer CPDs to educate the rest of your staff on the latest home technology solutions.
Sentido - Lighting and temperature control keypad finishes range

4 Button Basalte – Sentido keypad  – Image Credits:

Flush to wall sentido basalte keypad using wallsmart technology

Flush to wall Basalte Sentido keypad using wallsmart technology – Image Credits: wallsmart

Working on your next grand design?

It is a good Idea to contact us right at the beginning of your projects to ensure all smart home solutions throughout the house would work together seamlessly.

Renovating your home or property?

A home automation system is an all in one set up that brings elements of domestic security into one control app. For instance, an integrated home security system can include, but is not limited to; Lighting control, door entry systems, fitted alarm systems, CCTV, multi-room audio and video and window blinds – all of which can be controlled from a single app on your chosen device from wherever you are.

No one should be intimidated by technology!

If you’d like to know more about our smart home automation solutions, do not hesitate to contact us. We have years of practical experience and we’ll be more than happy to advise you on any aspect of your project.

We can then arrange a visit to your home to understand your requirements and give you an initial design concept for your project. We offer all this for free and without any obligations.

Enquire Today

Contact Information

Full Home Automation, Home Cinema, Lighting Control, Networking, Fire & Security, Telephony, Cloud Control, Electric Blinds & Curtains, Consultancy – All areas covered.

Adress: Unit 1, Dolphin Wharf, 3 Rockingham Rd, Uxbridge UB8 2UB

Phone: +44 01895262600 




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